Affiliated to Council for Indian School Certificate Examination - KA122

Yelahanka New Town, Bengaluru - 560064

Evaluation & Assessment

Assessment from CLASS III TO IX

Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation, consisting of two tests, one terminal examination and one annual examination during the academic year.

Students who do not secure the minimum required marks for promotion in two consecutive years will not be permitted to continue in school. Students should have a minimum attendance of 75% to be eligible for the Annual Examination.

A comprehensive Progress Report showing details of marks secured in the monthly tests, terminal examinations, assignments along with details of attendance are given to parents/guardians after every test and exam.


Evaluation consists of two exams and two Model Exams to prepare the students for the ICSE Board Examinations.


Project work in English, Hindi/Kannada, History & Civics, Geography, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Computer Applications, Commercial Applications for classes IX and X are assessed at internal and external levels and sent to the ICSE Council to form part of the overall results.

Assessment for Class XI & XII

The assessment criteria is a combination of both internal and external assessment. Internal assessments are vital in ISC but generally an externally assessed written exam at the end of the Class XII accounts for the final grade.

Practical tests are aggregated with the overall scores.

Internal assessments are used to evaluate community service and the attendance record.

A candidate is required to have obtained at least 40% marks in a minimum of four subjects which must include English, on the cumulative average and a minimum attendance of 85% working days.